Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Woodward Avenue photography show

Two photographs by me are going to be in this show. I'm thrilled to be part of it, but won't be able to go to the opening reception because I'll be in North Carolina for the second residency of my MFA program. Darn!

Woodward Avenue is Detroit's main street. It's the spine of the city, running straight up from the river, through downtown and into the northern suburbs. Woodward Avenue is known as M1 - Michigan road #1. It's a National Scenic Byway, and defines Metro Detroit.

I love Woodward Avenue, so this project was a lot of fun. Each photographer participating was assigned a mile of Woodward in which to find something significant to shoot. My photographs are details of The Spirit of Detroit, a statue that sits in front of the Detroit City Hall at the foot of Woodward and Jefferson.

Here also are two of my photos that were not chosen for the show:

I really like the way this project made me step outside of my box and photograph things I wouldn't have normally shot, in ways I wouldn't have normally shot them, with great results.


karen said...

Congratulations on your photos being chosen. I've always wondered how people find out about how to get involved in these projects before public announcement. How did you find out how and when to submit your photos? I like the ones they picked...the others were pretty good too though.

Hilarywho said...

Hi Maggie. The project was done by a photography group I belong to.

La Familia Lopez Robinson said...

I love the perspective of your photos that were chosen! And the tones - they almost seem silver. Love it!