We had very little Spring this year and I was too busy for what little there was to have much of a chance to appreciate it. I've only spent two days working in the yard so far this season. But those were two GOOD days.
I don't miss gardening when I don't do it. But when I do I enjoy it so much I begin to wonder why I bother doing anything else! I begin to think I could easily give up all my other pursuits, activities, and hobbies, and do nothing but garden.
I hooked the hose up last week after doing some fertilizing and, as usual, the leaky connection between my hose and my nozzle - which seems to be a continual problem - dribbled down my arm and leaked onto my pants. I don't know if it's because I buy cheap hoses, cheap nozzles, or don't twist them on tight enough, but I always seem to have this problem.
I sighed deeply while the water dribbled, but couldn't have been happier. I thought about how lucky I am to have such a nice yard to work in, in such a nice neighborhood. In spite of leaky hoses and a chilly, rainy, busy Spring, I can't, as they say, complain.
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