Monday, November 8, 2010

Toasted Cheese

A short story of mine has been accepted by the online journal,
It will be in the December issue.

I'm happy that one of my stories is being published by a literary journal, but I can't help wishing it was a journal with a more impressive name. Like maybe, The Toasted Cheese Literary Review. Or maybe, Cheese Quarterly. But I'm proud of my accomplishment just the same.

I stole this photo from a site devoted to grilled cheese sandwiches. Can you believe there is such a thing?

1 comment:

karen said...

I look forward to reading your published work...congrats. And thanks for the Toasted Cheese site. My niece is a student at columbia college and has aspirations of becoming a non fiction writer so I will pass this on to her. She loves to read others work....fiction and non fiction....she also likes to meet of course so I appreciate your sharing. She has a blog